isolating joint NEMS
Future Saving Technologies
What is the difference between conventional pipeline protection and cathodic protection?
New word in pipe protection

Stray and electric currents cause corrosion and leakeges. The main problem is that the section of the pipeline exposed to electrochemical corrosion is impossible or extremely difficult to calculate in advance. Cathodic protection is the only way to protect metal from rapid corrosion damage. Currently, corrosion causes significant economic damage to enterprises. That is why in 2000 our company developed and patented special technology monolithic insulating joint (NEMS).

The NEMS is designed for electrical separation and balancing the potential difference between pipelines. Outperforms many existing joints in terms of reliability and strength. In trouble-free operation there are more than 400 thousand NEMS on gas pipelines, oil pipelines, product pipelines, high-pressure water pipelines with a working pressure of up to 245 bar, in housing and communal services, etc.

Based on 30 years of experience in the oil and gas industry, we recommend using monolithic isolating joint (NEMS).

Construction nems
Consists of two metal pipes corresponding to the pipe connection sizes, connected by a coupling connection
O-rings of a particular profile made of elastic rubber, which are compressed between the contact surfaces of the pipes, coupling and liner, provide tightness of the nems
The inner and outer coating surface of the NEMS can be protected by one or other type of coating, depending on the operation and requirements of the customer
The additional equipment of the NEMS with a fire-discharge device and control and measuring devices is possible
Nems specification
We offer an effective solution for the most important tasks in the pipeline industry
Withstands heavy mechanical loads and high working pressures up to 400 atmospheres
Maintenance-free, can be mounted by any kind of welding
Ability to install anywhere in the pipeline in any climatic conditions (cold, heat, high humidity)
Trouble-free operation in aggressive environments (gas, liquid, gas-liquid) due to the presence of internal and external coatings
NEMS operation is equal to pipeline life and does not require maintenance, which reduces economic costs
NEMS lifetime 50 years (calculated by mathematical modeling)
Possibility of horizontal and vertical installation, does not require the use of additional supports
Diameter From 0.9 to 21 inches
Wall thickness of steel pipe from 0.12 to 0.99 inches
Working medium temperature up to 150◦ С
Operating pressure 392 bar
Electrical resistance not less 5 meg
Electrical strength no more than 50 ma
Сlimatic performance t◦ environment from -60 to +60; Internal coating based on alkyd primers; based on thermosetting compositions (epoxy, polyurethane)
Outer coating preservation coatings; weather-resistant enamels; coating with heat-shrinkable material based on polyethylene; coating based on thermosetting compositions (epoxy, polyurethane)